Reference Projects Environmental and Nature Conservation Law
The following references provide some examples of our most important mandates:
- Providing comprehensive legal advice and legal representation for a large coal-fired power plant:
- Conducting an appeal and proceedings for interim relief before the German Federal Administrative Court against a higher court decision partially revoking the permit under water law,
- Providing legal advice in the course of infringement proceedings before the European Commission and the ECJ against the water law permit (due to alleged breaches of EU FFH area and species protection law)
- Providing legal advice in the conduct of arbitration proceedings based on the provisions of the ICSID Convention against the Federal Republic of Germany for damages under the provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty due to delays in the pollution control approval procedure and the tightening of the water law permit granted
- Providing legal advice on the implementation of two pollution control approval procedures and two water law approval procedures and a hybrid cooling tower
- Providing legal advice on the implementation of a water law planning permission procedure for the construction and operation of a fish migration facility - Providing legal advice and representation in administrative proceedings and administrative processes concerning the revision of water law permits for the operation of dams and hydropower plants
- Providing legal advice on the implementation of several pollution control approval procedures for wind power plants in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Providing legal advice on the preparation and implementation of a pollution control approval procedure and a water law permit procedure for the construction and operation of a new combined cycle power plant
- Providing legal advice and representation with regard to the implementation of several approval procedures pursuant to the German Immission Control Act (BImSchG), including representation in hearings for IED waste treatment plants
- Providing legal advice and representation in appeal proceedings against a judgment made by a higher court obliging a licensing authority to make application documents available to a competitor of the applicant in accordance with the provisions of the German Environmental Information Act (Umweltinformationsgesetz)
- Providing legal advice on the implementation of a water law planning permission procedure and water law permit procedure for the modification of a wet mining process
- Providing legal advice on the issue of official orders for the implementation of investigation, remediation, protection and restriction measures under soil protection law in relation to polluters and property owners due to CHC soil and water contamination
- Providing legal advice on the import of contaminated waste from other EU countries for the purpose of treatment in a BImSchG plant
- Providing legal advice on the placement of substances from mineral oil processing on the market in line with chemicals law